Be Wise ~ Buy Wardmans


Be Wise - Buy Wardmans

 01629 56678

 David: 07966 670 953

 James: 07825 914 643

Topper £3,500

Twose flail topper.  Hammer flails. 2.5m cut. Hyd side sift.  

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McConnel RHINO 9'  H/D rotary topper.  Rear wheels.  

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Delmorino   levante 250 flail topper. C/w hyd side shift. Ym 2021.

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Topper £3,200

Spaldings flail topper.  Hyd side shift. 

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Major 8' swing round off set .Twin rotor topper. 

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Topper £3,250

Major 909 HD rotory topper.  Good order. 

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